Our community impact for

the first half of 2024:

hot meals served by the Community Kitchen

bags of groceries to families visiting the Food Pantry and 194 food orders delivered to individuals in Senior Housing

families receiving emergency financial assistance through Advocacy

dollars saved by clients receiving 187 free reconditioned medical equipment items

bags of clothing distributed by the Clothes Closet to 911 clients

A HUGE thank you to Anne Lane for her tremendous efforts to stock our pantry three Christmas seasons in a row! Below are Anne & Mark Lane, along with Chad & Christine Arlington, pictured with some of the Reverse Advent Calendar Food Drive donations. Over 120 boxes were donated to SVdP! Thank you as well to all the families and friends that participated.

Our wonderful volunteers preparing more than 75 Christmas baskets to be picked up or delivered to our clients to help them enjoy a wonderful holiday meal.

A HUGE thank you to the GALLEY HATCH for collecting 40 boxes of non-perishables for the food pantry! What a special event to benefit our community!  Thank you, Galley Hatch!

We are so GRATEFUL for the generous support from our community! Below are just some of the wonderful donations we have received during the holiday season. Thank you all for your helping your neighbors in need!

President Bob Holder holding a generous gift from our neighbors, Oceanside Family Dental, in Hampton.

Jen Flynn delivers a generous donation to SVdP Presidnt, Bob Holder, from Kennebunk Savings.

Wow, thank you to the KofC council #140 with the St Mary’s Assembly #1445 for the generous donation to SVdP Hampton. During this time of year we see an increased demand. This will help serve many in our community.

Thank you to The Brook for donating 25 turkeys for our holiday baskets! You will be helping many of our clients have a special Christmas meal! Shown are Laurie Karas from The Brook and the SVdP President, Bob Holder.

Thank you to SACRED HEART SCHOOL for bringing over 600 pounds of food donations from TWO FOOD DRIVES this holiday season! 

Peg, Marcia & Kathy are pictured with Heather O. from Better Homes & Garden Masiello group sitting on one of the many large bags of coats, winter wear and other clothing donations. Thank you !! Those in need stop in for free winter coats & more!

Thank you Hampton Rotary for the generous donation!! These items are always needed and fill the void in our inventory.

Thank you – Connor Sproul from Ardent Concepts for the boxes of food donations. Connor is pictured with Bob from SVdP Hampton.

Hampton Academy Jr High made a wonderful donation to SVdP Food Pantry. Thank you to the student council for organizing and collecting these Thanksgiving items. Overall, HAJH collected over1300 items!! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you QA Technology in Hampton for donating over 260 Lbs of food to SVdP Food Pantry. Pictured are John & Bob from SVdP with Kayla from QA.

Thank you Partners Bank for the generous donation of $1500 to SVdP Food Pantry! With the increased demand this will help feed many in need.
Pictured: center Karen & Scott of Partners Bank along with Kiki & John of SVdP.
Again Thank You!

This is Jackie…a local lady in need of an electric wheelchair. She said when she stands, she is in a lot of pain. When she sits in the chair, the pain goes away.

Please remember SVdP’s reconditioned Home Medical Equipment program if you know someone like Jackie or if you know someone looking to donate a wheelchair, crutches, shower chair, etc. These items are FREE to ANYONE who needs them!

Our FABULOUS mural on the Clothes Closet/ Community Kitchen building! Sponsored by Hampton Rotary and painted by Alyssa Pine.

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Saint Vincent de Paul Hampton

289 Lafayette Road
Hampton 03842

Tel: 603-929-4427
Email: pantry@svdphampton.com

Hours of Operation:
Monday  10:00 AM – 12 Noon
Tuesday  10:00 AM -12 Noon
Thursday  10:00 AM – 12 Noon
Friday  10:00 AM – 12 Noon

Who We Are

Saint Vincent de Paul – Hampton is a Volunteer only 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that has served the residents of Hampton, North Hampton. Hampton Falls, Seabrook, and Rye for 25 years.  We partner with more than 70 local government and religious service providers to meet the needs of our neighbors.

In 2022, the Community Kitchen served 4,072 meals and made 271 home deliveries.
1,064 families visited the Food Pantry receiving 93,332 pounds of food.
The Clothes Closet was visited by 1,245 clients who received 1,150 bags of clothing including 233 winter coats.

We deliver food to the Dearborn House and The Meadows once a month and on a case-by-case basis will deliver food to clients who do not have transportation.

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